When you are making a decision to purchase anything to use for a long time, you should look for a reasonable warranty that shows that you are buying from someone who will take care of you. All-On-4 Dental Implants may be one of the more important purchases you make, something that you will use every single day!
At Blooming Family Dental, we are proud of the dentistry we provide for you and your family. We stand by our quality work when you care for them with proper maintenance. All-On-4 Dental implants come with a 5-year limited warranty.
The limited warranty is void if you do not follow the maintenance schedules and instructions. This is because if you take proper care of All-On-4, it should last you many years. However, if you don’t take proper care of them, problems will happen, just like when you miss oil changes for your car, your transmission will break down. Breakage due to accidents is also not covered.
The first 5-6 months during which you are healing and wearing the first set of teeth, extra precaution should be taken with a soft diet. You should not miss the checkup appointments, and as soon as healing is complete, the second set of teeth should be made to prevent any issues.
After the second set of teeth are delivered, the partial warranty covers any revisions, meaning you are responsible for a fraction of the costs for the work up to 5 years after the surgery. The most important thing is proper maintenance once you have the smile you’ve always wanted, and that will keep you smiling!
Click Here for our post on All-On-4 Dental Implants maintenance schedules and instructions.
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Call us now at 973-475-8964 to request a no-obligation FREE consultation.
Remember, Essex County Residents get $1000 OFF for All-On-4 Dental Implants.
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